Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Feelin' Crafty

It is spring and there is a surging of creativity and renewed energy and dirt that has sat all winter waiting and...and...SO, it is only natural that I have been very busy harnessing all this creative energy to do a deep clean on my room, oh! and I made these endearing, little blue bird peg dolls!

I think peg dolls are a great little gift for kids, or even adults; one of these bluebirds is bound for a friend of mine's Waldorf Kindergarten classroom!  I hadn't really known about the boundless potential for peg dolls until a good friend of mine brought me back a book from a trip.  Here's the book.... 

Making Peg Dolls book

This book goes through the seasons with different peg dolls for each season.  It is nicely illustrated with patterns and easy to follow directions.  Peg dolls are a superlative gift for children; they are small and inexpensive to make, and it's always nice to give something you've made!  

I made this "little family" for my good friend's birthday. It is our family--I'm the one on the left!  (I must admit that the little white dog, that is so adorable, was made in Germany).

Every spring, I look for the Pussy-Willows to come out; it's a sure sign of spring!!!!!  Here are a couple of my favorite illustrations of Pussy-Willows! 

From The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady
by Edith Holden

"In the spring, at the end of the day,
 you should smell like dirt."
~~Margaret Atwood

Elsa Beskow

"You can't use up creativity.  
The more you use, the more you have."
~~Maya Angelou


  1. Hello K.D. - I was so intrigued by the "Country Diary" that I ordered one. Can't wait until it gets here.

  2. Thank you so much for the kind review of my book (I stumbled across the bluebirds you made when I was googling some images.) Glad to know you are enjoying the book!

    Also, the pegdoll family you made is just lovely. I occasionally get an email asking if I could do a tutorial on how to create pegdoll families. Perhaps I should use your photo as a good example!

    Best wishes,
    margaret bloom
