Wednesday, November 13, 2013

First Snow!!

I love the first snow!  And yesterday, I woke up to a Winter Wonderland!  The farm is always so beautiful under a crystal blanket of snow!

 I dare say this is possibly one of our most beautiful first snows!  Of course, I donned my hat and coat and went for a brisk frolic in the snow.  I bravely set out through our transformed garden.  

On my way through the garden, I met my good friend Bobo--can you see her?  She was hiding out from the cold.  After a vigorous walk in the cold, it's always nice to come home and eat something warm!  With Thanksgiving coming up it has me thinking of recipes, and I've been just waiting to try this one out!  It's my variation on a traditional recipe.....

- - - Itty Bitty Butternut Squatty Squash Pie - - -

For the Crust                      In addition you will need 5 8oz (this is a recipe from one of           ramekins for baking.
my favorite cookbooks, 
Nourishing Traditions)
1 cup almonds              
3/4 cup arrowroot flour
3/8 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar 
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

For the Filling
(this recipe is an adaptation of Tasha Tudor's pumpkin pie recipe)
2 cups Butternut squash (about 1 medium squash)
3 medium eggs (because that's the size our chickens lay)
1 1/2 cups cream
scant 1/2 cup sugar
scant 1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp clove 
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt

*  Cut the squash in half lengthwise and bake face down at 350F 
 for 45 min. in a baking pan filled with a 1/4" of water.
*  For crust, place almonds in food processor and bring to a 
 fine meal, proceed to add the other ingredients and 
 blend together.
*  Press dough into each ramekin about 1/4" thick, and 
 about 1/2" from the rim of the ramekin.
*  Bake at 350F for approximately 20 min. with ramekins sitting 
 in a baking pan filled with 1/2" of water.  Set aside.
*  For filling, scrape 2 cups of squash flesh out of the shell 
 and place in a bowl, add the spices and salt, and beat the "heck 
 out of it," then add remaining ingredients and whip. 
*  Pour the filling into the ramekins almost up to the 
 top of the crust.
*  Bake at 350F for approximately 50 min. or until a knife 
 inserted an inch from the edge comes out clean.
*  Serve with homemade whipped cream and enjoy!  The ramekins
 stay hot for quite a while, so be cautious.

Enjoy the snow!